How To Identify Authentic N95 Respirator

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These diseases have different health effects on individuals. Poor air quality is a cause of minimized lung capacity, headaches, aching throats, coughs, fatigue, lung cancer, and early death. According to a report 2.2 million children in Delhi have permanent lung damage due to the bad quality of the air. In addition, research study shows that contamination can lower kids's body immune system and increase the dangers of cancer, epilepsy, diabetes and even adult-onset illness like multiple sclerosis.

In times of crises like these an excellent respirator goes a long method in protecting the health of the users. These respirators are developed to secure the user versus hazardous PM2.5 sized particles that are most damaging to the human lung. In fact respirators are so effective that they even filter out particles as low as of size 0.3 micron. Respirators are created with special materials that help in purification of air. But how to identify an excellent respirator is of utmost importance as some masks or respirators give the impression of safety but are not created to function against these damaging particles.

Media and print journalism have focused on one particular kind of respirator that is NIOSH authorized N95 respirator. In fact the name N95 has ended up being synonyms with respirators in India as people walk into a store and ask "N95 mask dena". But why has this particular respirator obtained such a status whereas there a host of equally equivalent and qualified respirators like the CE certified and even our very own ISI certified respirator. This can be traced back to the SARS outbreak in Asia where the WHO was providing regulations to deal with the epidemic. Just the NIOSH N95 was suggested by the WHO to deal with the outbreak. This caused an acute shortage of these respirators and there was panic due to unavailability. Only when the WHO was made conscious of this, other equivalent designs like the FFP2 & FFP3 variety of respirators certified by the European body were suggested.

However the pattern has persisted and the Indian market has actually generally accepted N95 respirator as the service. This has unfortunately offered increase to counterfeit and spurious items being offered in the market. A respirator that has actually N95 written besides it is insufficient to accredit its validity. It is made with low-cost material and duplicate parts to fool the customer. Producers of respirators have actually also succumbed to the need and have actually started printing N95 mask on the respirator packs to authenticate their products. This is wrong and these fraud products are cheating their customers.