Betfair - Understanding The Odds

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When punters first join the Betfair betting exchange probably the most confusing features will be the method that the odds are displayed. In the UK conventional bookmakers use fractional odds such as 6/4, 2/1, 100/30 or 33/1. On Betfair a decimal odds method is used 2.5, 3.0,4.3 or 34.0.

You can readily convert fractional odds into decimal 6/4 is 6 divided by 4 giving you 1.5 + your stake which = 1. So 6/4 may be the same as 2.5 for the exchange. If you consider how are you affected once you place a wining bet with a bookmaker your provide him your stake money. He places your bet on the agreed odds, say 4/1. If shipped to you he gives you four times your stake A�40 together with your original investment back. On the exchanges you don't ever actually pay your stake to anyone so obviously it does not need to be returned.

The odds around the exchanges tend typically to be with 20% greater than those provided by the bookies. On outsiders with larger odds the real difference might be considerably greater. Horses priced at 33/1 or 50/1 by bookmakers are frequently bought at three figure odds on the exchanges.

Although the chances could possibly be better this has to get offset if your bet or lay works you'll have to pay 5% commission. His is generally easily offset with the better prices that you just re getting this is simply not always true when betting on short priced horses.

Because Betfair win, i.e. have a 5% commission from either the backer or layer, whatever the result unlike bookmakers they don't care the frequency of which won by you. This means that if you are successful there is no danger of having your account closed.

The betting exchanges are growing in importance around the globe and if you are enthusiastic about horse racing and betting then you certainly should go online and require a look on the exchanges, sbobet especially Betfair.